Tuesday, September 23, 2008


After many, many years of vacillating and shuffling my feet and procrastinating, I've finally decided to pull my executive digit out and join the (cringe) "blogosphere". (eeuw i feel dirty for having used that word).

Expect to find a frequently updated and perhaps mildly interesting torrent of news, mostly related to Drum and Bass music, life in Dublin City, as well as pictures of places I go to and people I see.

I'm going to be using this space as somewhere to archive all my writing for Slick DJ magazine (reviews and interviews etc) as well as somewhere to store all my writing for all the various heads who ask me to write stuff for them (and generally get disappointed when I fail to deliver stuff on time). I'll also be archiving all the playlists from my radio show on Dublin's Raidio na Life 106.4FM, as well as posting up the spammy blurbs I compose for it. Additionally, there will be plenty of meditations on Dublin life, and assorted narcissistic ramblings of the type so familiar to the self-absorbed info-saturated children of Web 2.0.

Hopefully this whole blogging endeavour (this blog, at any rate) will help me find enough of a voice and a familiarity with this brave new medium to FINALLY contribute something useful to WEAREIE; I hear they're quare dying for a bit of Executive Wisdom.

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